So, you would like to adopt a LittleLop? We're so happy to hear that! Before you begin, there are a few things to take into account to ensure the happiness of your new LitteLop/s!

First of all, you must [already be a member of the community!] Members can adopt as many LittleLops as they wish, with no need to purchase any kind of slots.

Secondly, pick a LopPin! This can be almost anything that sparks joy within your LittleLop! The list goes on and on from possible choices, anything from Apples to Zebras! They wear their LopPin on their body as an accessory, and it very heavily influences their appearance. They can only have one LopPin.

Thirdly, pick a name! Please choose a name that respects the LittleLops tradition of having names starting with the letter B! Their name should also directly relate to their LopPin! For example; a LittleLop who loves to read may perhaps be called "Bookworm!"

Need some inspiration? Feel free to browse our list of potential names and themes! And don't worry; potential duplicate names with other LitteLops are fine, as it's common for anybody everywhere to share interests!

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As for what LittleLops can't be, please take into consideration the warm and friendly nature of LopVille! It is a childlike place where LittleLops are able to exist in comfort and happiness at all times, so picking a LopPin that doesn't reflect that nature may be rejected--in other words, themes that are overtly mature. Lighthearted halloween-like themes, however, are absolutely fine!

So, you're a [member of the community], you've picked your LopPin, and you've picked a relating name that starts with the letter B? Great! Then the last step is just to run it by [Mayor Buni], in order to get them approved and entered into [Town Hall]! Then, you're all set! Your LittleLop is all ready to go out and enjoy LopVille!